“Citazioni” is a young company, based in Milan, where design objects for the interior decoration are built with both the trademark “Fiori di Latta” and “Citazioni”. Its history begins in 1986 with the creation by Gherardo Frassa of the ”Futurist Mechanical Flora" designed in 1930 by Oswaldo Bot and never done, on the occasion of the exhibition "Futurismo e Futurismi" at Palazzo Grassi in Venice. The year after together with his friend the artist Emilio Tadini Gherardo Frassa draw the logo “Fiori di latta” and more than 100 written “Fiore (that in italien means Flower)”. After a pause lasted 23 years Gherardo Frassa resumed the project and imparts a new development, designing personally a great number of objects and starting collaborations with designers of the caliber of Andrea Branzi, Pierluigi Cerri, Clara Rota and many others.
Strictly "hand made in Italy" our objects can be considered unique since it is practically impossible to find one that is identical to the other. “Fiori di Latta” is the main brand of the company: poppies, tulips, clovers, roses, calla lilly: table, wall and floor flowers, objects that do not want to be a mere copy of reality but arouse emotions in whoever possesses them, through an interpretation and a reprocessing that it enriches them with irony and poetry. Then not fake flowers or simple copies of reality, but sculptures, between art and design.